Friday, March 27, 2009

Home Made Egg McMuffins

This is a family favorite recipe. I like it too because it is easy to make, and WAY cheaper than stopping at Mickey-D's. I like to make this when we are headed off early in the morning like on a trip. Then I wrap them up in foil or wax paper and put them all in a paper bag to keep warm. Then once my whole family is in the car and waking up I hand them a nice hot home made Egg McMuffin.

What you'll need:

sliced cheese
English muffins
Meat (optional) like bacon, or ham.
Non-stick cooking spray

small bowl or coffee cup that is the same size and shape as the english muffin that is microwave safe.

If you choose to use meat of some kind like bacon or ham pre-cook this first because it will take longer to make than the rest of the recipe.

Either toast your English muffins in a toaster or toast them all at once in the oven on a cookie sheet.

Scramble up your eggs in a bowl.
spray your bowl or cup with non-stick cooking spray and fill with about a 1/4 cup or so of eggs. Microwave for about 1-2 minutes depending on your microwave.

Watch carefully when you first do this because the eggs will grow, if you see them puffing up too much stop the microwave and they will shrink back down then you can restart the microwave to finish cooking them until they are done.

Once the eggs are done turn the cup over onto a muffin and the perfect egg circle will fall right out onto the muffin. Place your cheese, meat (optional) and the other half of the muffin on top. The egg and muffin heat will melt your cheese.

If your egg sticks a bit to the cup, you can use a fork or something to get it out.
Note: If you don't use the non-stick spray it will stick A LOT!

These are Yummy!

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