Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yard Sale Madness!

So this weekend we are having out first Moving~Yard Sale!

Yesterday after I started setting everything up and out I was wondering if this whole yard sale idea was a dumb one!

Number one people kept on driving by and never stopping for about one hour. When we lived in the South every time I had a yard sale people would start to swarm my yard like bees on honey as soon as I put out the first item. Here not so much!

But eventually they did start to stop after a good hour of me wondering what the heck was I going to do with all this stuff next. I made over $130 and that does not count the money I gave my son to go to the store and get a quick lunch, and the money we used to buy Chinese food for dinner!

I don't know why yard sales poop you out so much, but they do. When I closed up shop around 1p.m. I was ready for a nap and so was my three year old.

Today we are having another sale so wish me luck on lots of customers! I want all of this stuff gone so I don't have to pack it and move it to Colorado!

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