Friday, July 15, 2011

Why I Choose Natural Beef for my Family

Some of or at least Three Reasons why I choose Natural Beef for my family:
With my last child I noticed right away what goes in his mouth comes out in his actions and attitude. When I was pregnant with him I could tell when he was awake by the kicking and cervix bouncing he did constantly while he was awake. My other kids were not as active at this point so I knew right away that this last baby would be different. I ate a balanced diet while pregnant with all of my children. I drank one cup of coffee only each day and plenty of milk. If I did have a soda in the afternoon I would choose caffeine free, but that extra bit of sugar would make that baby of mine bounce and kick like mad. That instant effect gave me a new understanding of how everything I ate really matters to the child I was carrying. Like I said I ate a balanced diet but I really was not that careful about sugars and the quality of food.

Once he started eating solids I really paid attention, the more I looked the more I wished I had started my search long ago. I am not a fanatic but the plan is to get as much food for my family that is natural and free of chemicals, hormones and dyes as possible. That is a great idea in theory but not so easy to do in real life. Just about every food that is marketed for our children is full of junk. When your three year old that literally walks around in a repetitive circle when he eats red dye or processed meat you to change you’re eating habits.

Hormones, chemicals, dyes, and additives, great big long unpronounceable words should not be on the list of items that make up what I am about to put in my child’s mouth. When I was pregnant I was advised to stay away from any artificial sweeteners by my doctor because they did not know of any long term effects. So why would I give it to my growing child in his drink? Why would I let him eat meat full of hormones?

I had to change my habits but it is hard to do when you are living on a budget. Doing one thing at a time helps ease that burden on your wallet because for some also unnatural reason the food that is good for you costs more! Another way to save and feed your family well is to buy your beef from a ranch in bulk. Surprisingly you can buy an natural beef for one set price per pound which makes a big difference and you get the good stuff! Also Natural Beef is not your only choice.

After considering the alternative I knew that choosing small U.S. family farmers who are committed to raising the highest quality breeds and are dedicated to caring for their livestock traditionally was my choice. These farmers use guiding philosophies, from the feeds they use, to the humane animal raising standards contribute to the consistently, best tasting, all-natural beef, pork, lamb and smoked and prepared meats. The real thing!
Consider giving your family the very best. Buying organic beef online will ensure your families dinner was:

o Humanely Raised on Sustainable U.S. Farms and Ranches
o Never-Ever Given Antibiotics
o Never-Ever Given Any Added Hormones
o Fed All Vegetarian Feeds

I know that not everyone lives out in the boonies where the ranchers are, and cannot just run down the road to find an organic farm. Chances are if you run down the road you will find a subdivision or a gas station, or you might even just find a busy street corner. It is easy however to order beef online. Isn’t it nice that you can get just about anything online now! You can see prices rising, and getting good cuts of meat on a frugal budget is getting harder and harder. If you buy a whole side of beef for one set price you will save, because the good expensive cuts you have to avoid in the grocery store will be the same price as the frugal cuts we have been getting. The best part is the quality though, the good stuff you will be giving to your family. Watching your children eat a home cooked meal that you know is completely free of unnecessary junk that is what they call priceless. Check it out, and I am sure you will be surprised when you do the math about how much you save.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was
compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

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