Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Choosing a Wedding Caterer

As you may know I am in the midst of planning my wedding this coming year.  I have been, I assure you watching my budget and shopping around.  There are many ways you can skimp on the wedding budget but really when it comes to the wedding caterer you would not dare want to. 

If you have ever been to a wedding (and I am sure you have,) you only remember very few details of a wedding.

1. Venue or location.  Most will remember where it was and how it looked to them plain or beautiful.  You will especially remember if you had to travel to get there! 

2. Overall experience.   So if the food was incredibly wonderful and you danced the night away to a wonderful DJ or band you will remember what a wonderful time you had.  If your food stank and the DJ was horrible you may not remember what you ate but you will remember that is was horrible.

 That is why I may skimp on the ribbons or put more plants than flowers but I want what every other bride wants a wedding to remember!  And you want them to remember it being awesome and wonderful not terrible!

I will be calling several caterers in the area to get the best price for my wedding but I won't be basing all of my decisions on price alone.  If I pay for the cheapest food in town that is what I would probably get at my reception....Cheap food!   Yuck that would not be a good memory for my guest, no instead I will ask people I know who they would recommend for a caterer and get a nice stack of referrals to help me make my decision. 

If by chance there aren't too many people in my circle that can give me recommendations then I will ask each caterer for recommendations from their happy clients.   A good caterer will have happy clients! 

Bottom line, some things you can skimp on at your wedding but a caterer is not one of them.  I want my guests to have a wonderful time and most of all I want to make this the wedding I will remember as the wedding of my dreams!

This is a sponsored post for Caterman Catering, however, all the points and views are my own.

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