Monday, May 19, 2014

Orange Julius Drink Recipe! Yummy Summer time Treat!

I love, love, LOVE Orange Julius and we get one when ever we go to the mall as a treat. But I have to admit that its turning into on super spendy treat!  SO.....I have been mixing and fixing to hack my own recipe that I can make at home.  I have come up with a fantastic frugal mix that is a perfect yummy match or better!

Orange Julius

OJ (pulp free) frozen into ice cubes use 6
about 2/3 cup of same OJ but not frozen
1/2 small box of instant vanilla pudding
6 ice cubes
1 scoops of orange sherbert and 1 scoop vanilla  ice cream  (2 scoops of creamsicle flavor works best, but you could just use the vanilla)

In Blender or food processor crush OJ ice cubes and regular ice cubes add pudding, ice cream and blend, slowly add liquid OJ until it is thick but a pourable drink.  Pour into glasses and serve with a straw.

Makes about 3 glasses of YUM!

Disclaimer:  This may cause instant brain freeze!  :)

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