Monday, October 25, 2010

Yummy Earth Organic Lolipops

If you are a mom like me, well I wasn't a mom like me for my first two kids but now I really watch what goes into my three year old's mouth.

I started paying attention before he was born. My other two children were very mellow and never really had a massive-made me want to pull out my hair and start drinking noticeable sugar/artificial flavor and color-high. When I was pregnant with now my three year old I could feel him bouncing off the walls inside me if I ate something that was full of sugar or artificial in some way.

Then when he went off of baby food I could tell if he was slipped a sugar treat or junk food. He was so hyper and not mellow like my last kids that is was like a night and day difference. I read an article in some magazine about how Red #40 dye and Yellow dye #6 was outlawed in Germany because of it's adverse effects on some children. (Like hyperactivity and such.) So I started watching for those dyes before they went in his mouth and made him into a mad man, or little man.

Don't get me wrong he is not an evil hyper active child, but he is busy and smart and needs stimulation and not junk food. We have more of those bad melt downs when he eats some Red dye #40 and yellow #6. I can tell, and it takes about two days for it to get out of his system.

Sadly though, these dyes are in just about every thing in the world related to children. Even thin strips for a cough that he would never even see had red dye in it! Ugh! That was a fun time, he was sick and in melt down mode! I just check labels now, and sadly it is everywhere. Why?

Well long story short if you want to make sure nothing artificial goes into your kids mouth, then this is a great find. Most candy in regular stores has the dye included as a given, but I found this BIG HUGE bag of Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops that you can get on Amazon for $10.30. This is a 5 pound bag so this is a great deal And ya know I won't post a deal unless I would buy it myself!

CLICK HERE to get them and then when you are there select "Subscribe & Save" in the top right hand corner of the page. Then at checkout use this promo code "SEPYUMMY " Shipping is FREE!

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