Monday, November 30, 2009

Back from a great Thanksgiving Week!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Mine was great and busy. We traveled out of state for Thanksgiving and I had planned on blogging while I was gone but we ended up with no internet! So that plan was shot.
Then when we returned home there was a terrible wind storm here which caused my regular internet to go out along with the power a few times!
But the Turkey and pie was wonderful, not to mention the stuffing and mashed potatoes. I tried a new recipe for cranberry sauce and I was very pleased on how that turned out. My taste tester Dave informed me that this would have to become tradition from this moment on, so I think he liked it also! LOL I will post the recipe on here for you. I saw it in a magazine but I added to it.
I did not go out at the crack of dawn the day after Thanksgiving to hit all of the big sales but a few in my family did, but only for a couple of items and then they promptly returned home! My daughter works in the mall in a clothing store and she was surprised at how not so busy they were and so was her managers as they let her go home early. So I guess my fear of big crowds would not have been so bad. I just don't like chaos. So I never go to the Black Friday sales. I also and always with out big bucks. I feel if I can't pay cash for it I cannot afford it so I don't charge anything. That means what I have is all I have and I don't dip into monies that are set aside for anything else. I hope you can buy everything that will make your family happy for Christmas this year and then some! (With out going into debt!)

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